22 July 2011

the back yard

i'm staying at my sister's house in new castle, delaware.  why not start searching for edible things in the back yard?  with my initial glance there doesn't look like much.  or, at least, nothing stands out at first (to my untrained eye!)

i decided to start taking photos of the different trees and weeds so i could start practice plant identification. just along the back fence there were at least 8 different kinds of trees...  here are some of the photos.

syrian juniper

sugar maple?

along the ground were a variety of smaller plants or baby trees.

then of course on the ground surface were all sorts of grass types and clovers.

near the back deck, partially shaded from the direct sun on this 110 heat-index day, were several more plant types...  including what looks like strawberries.

as i crouched near the deck, i noticed a sizable grass hopper leap away.  cool.  bugs.  potential future experiments there.

i think i'll start with the strawberry-looking plant...

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