22 July 2011

the edible world

about a week ago i started pondering how much i wished i could identify edible plants in the wild.  it's not the first time i've thought about it, but this time my excitement to learn has reached new heights.  not only am i interested in exploring edible plants, but edible bugs too - entomophagy!  if so much of the world has bugs on the menu, why do i cringe at the thought of eating bugs?

it's time to start learning.  time to start foraging.   i don't know how long this curiosity will last, but i figure others might want to follow along while i expand my understanding of the edible world.   i'm already seeing the world with new eyes and can't wait to experience it with a whole new pallet.

knowing that some plants and parts of plants are deadly poisonous, i'll do my best to do some research first - to learn from other's mistakes.  so far i've picked up a few plant guides from barnes & noble and i've ordered a few bug cook books from amazon.com.

ready... set...   eat!

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